Sunday, November 18, 2007


New >Vintage<
by Melissa Kimble

Chocolate is an old, instant favorite. Whether it’s a Hershey bar, covering a strawberry or drizzled on an ice cream sundae it comforts and soothes the soul with complete gratification. R&B artist Choklate lives up to the name. Just like the candy that so many people hold dear to their hearts she is an instant hit, her music is soulfully gratifying. The one time California resident, Seattle born singer is creating her own trail in the likes of Jill Scott and India Arie by creating music filled with purpose and power. The youngest of seven children she is no stranger to fighting for her own gratification, happiness, and place in this world. As displayed on her fresh single “Incredible” off of her debut album: “I finally found my reason for being alive/ don’t reckon I’ll define/ my place in life/ I’d be a fool to not embrace it/ To not chase it/ It’s Incredible…”
Through her music, Choklate’s spirit lives. She is not a leader. She is not even a follower. She is simply herself. That means she is not caught up in following the trends, she will live her own life on her own terms guided by a higher power. “Bigger Than You” is testament to that statement. “I know you think you do it all by yourself/ I know it feels like you got control of it all/ but I happen to know the truth behind the veil/one day I hope you see the truth for yourself/ Its bigger than you /Its bigger than me”.
Choklate’s unpolished sound is focused on a higher level between her passion, expression, and freedom. “Take your life by the reigns. Say 'sorry', 'please', and 'thank you' often, even when it's unexpected and live in complete freedom, peace, and love. Or at least try to,” the artist states. “That's all you can do. And in being the best you that you can be? There is only day after day to repeat the 'trying' again and again and again.”
An artist who describes her sound as “new vintage”, she cannot be tamed or water-downed. A scribe has come along to tell our story, a new perspective of the Black women on her journey through life. She keeps our tales of success and failures, flaws and perfections, shortcomings and identities neatly tucked away in her self titled debut album-Choklate- so that we are able to examine ourselves, our goals, and our dreams track by track. Like the candy it is delicious, addictive and satisfying with every piece you take away from it. Enjoy.

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